The Ton und Kirschen Theater spans three generations and the times in which we now live have given it cause to change the title of its new project. Instead of JUBILÄUM, it will henceforth be known as THE OPEN DOOR, providing, in the international theatre company’s view, a far truer representation of its self-conception.
For thirty years it has played – with a few exceptions – in the open air, during the day or in the evening. It has erected its stage in plain sight in various environments, including cities, villages and fields. Our “door” has always been open, and we consider ourselves fortunate that it can remain so.
The project THE OPEN DOOR, gives each performer the opportunity to trace their own experiences with a view to giving them shape. On this subject, we will also draw inspiration from authors such as Shakespeare, Franz Kafka, Joseph Roth, Euripides, Erich Fried, Lewis Caroll, a fairy tale by Charles Perrault, Rainer Maria Rilke and Gabriel Gárcia Márquez have also inspired us on this theme.
It's a creation in which we will convey important themes to the audience by a variety of means – and close up, in order to forge a shared experience of them.
A CREATION OF THE TON UND KIRSCHEN THEATER Margarete Biereye, Julie Biereye, Regis Gergouin, David Johnston, Rob Wyn Jones, Nelson Leon, Zina Méziat, Daisy Watkiss
ARTISTIC DIRECTION Margarete Biereye & David Johnston
PHOTOGRAPHY by Jean-Pierre Estournet
MAZ, Kerstin Beck, September 2022
Praising the performance, Annemarie Schramm, chairwoman of the Nettelbeck Cultural Association, said, “As always, it was sheer excellence. You have to look closely and pay close attention in order to understand everything, but that’s precisely what’s interesting about it.” Another visitor put it in a nutshell: “They are very different from other theatre groups, which is why we are drawn here every year.” The six eleven-year-old girls, who, giggling at the start, had just seen the first play of their lives also proclaimed, “We’ll be back next year.”
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Eldenburg-Gymnasium, Lübz, September 2022
Margarete Biereye, who, together with David Johnston, is the Artistic Director of the ensemble, emphasizes how updateable the subject matter is, particularly against the current backdrop of flight and expulsion. However, the motif of doors also necessarily includes the themes of accessibility and openness. She would like the title of the play to be thought of in particular in relation to working and living in a traveling theatre company: as a group, Ton und Kirschen also open every door.
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PNN, Astrid Priebs-Tröger, October 2022
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MAZ, Karim Saab, August 2023
Die Botschaft des Wandertheaters aus Glindow bei Werder lautet: Im Theater ist alles möglich, sogar Magie. Der Imagination sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Mit energischen Impulsen und zarten Gesten lässt sich auf der Bühne alles erzählen und burlesk ausweiden.